501(c)(3) Non-Profit Status Reached
January 4, 2016
Supporting our Military and Veterans!!
January 5, 2017
Kingston has been training this Holiday season for the upcoming 5th Annual Blaine Whitworth Go Big or Go Home Race! Remember this years’ event is set for Saturday, April 8th, 2017!!
The Go Big or Go Home Race Committee would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Holiday season. Enjoy your time with family and friends, but stay active and get in some exercise to stay on pace for this year’s race!
We will be updating the website soon, along will all Race and Blaine Whitworth Foundation related information and updates. We will send out email, blog, and Facebook announcements with important information and things continue to develop. Thank you for the continued support and we encourage everyone to work to “Make a Difference in Their Community!!”