2024 Blaine Whitworth Go Big or Go Home Golf Tournament
Friday, October 11, 2024 | Mules National Golf Club
Check-In Begins at 7:30 AM
Shotgun Start at 9:00 AM
We are excited to announce that you can now sign up for the 4th Annual Blaine Whitworth Go Big or Go Home Golf Tournament to be held on October 11, 2024 at the Mules National Golf Course in Warrensburg, Missouri. The tournament format will again be a 2-person scramble. Registrations will be limited to the first 116 participants.
All information about the tournament can be found on this page.
Cost: $125 per Golfer
Cost includes the following:
- After play lunch party
- Swag bag
- 2 drink tickets
- Hole in one contest toward a new car
- Longest drive contests
- Closest to the pin contests
- Longest putt contests
4 flights, 5 prizes based on a full field. Merchandise value as follows:
- 1st Place: $240
- 2nd Place: $200
- 3rd Place: $160
- 4th Place: $120
- 5th Place: $80
Registration and Payment Options
Online registration is now closed. There are two team registrations still open. If you want to play in the tournament, please call Barry at 816-651-6428. First come, first serve!
Sponsorship Opportunities
We have several sponsorship opportunities available for the 2024 tournament. See the list of opportunities below. All sponsorships include recognition at the respective area. You can sign up an pay online by selecting a sponsorship option below, or you can click here to download the tournament brochure, which includes a sponsorship registration form. You can send a check along with you registration form, or you can pay via PayPal using blainewhitworthfoundation@gmail.com as the recipient.

After Play Lunch Party Sponsorship

Beverage Cart or Beverage Drink Ticket Sponsorship

Golf Ball or Golf Cart Sponsorship

Raffle or Silent Auction Sponsorship

Team Photo Tent Sponsorship

50/50 Sponsorship

Swag Bag Sponsorship

Hole Sponsorship